I'm the A type. Based on what they said,
seem like it is true.
# Careful on decision making
Yes, I'm really careful in making any decision
especially those that
related to my life. Life is like playing chess
game. You decide on
movement. You must think of the
consequence in any
movement. Once you made wrong decision, It
gives you two
options. Either it can be corrected later
or you dead. Same goes
in my life. Any decision making should not
make me regret in
# Perfectionist
Even though I denied it, my friends said that
there is still even small
percentage of perfectionist in myself. When I
think about it, yes, it
is. When I wrote something, I want it to
be nice looking. That's why
I always tear up the paper.
Try hard to forget the past
# Take longer to heal broken heart
Time is the only best medicine for it. I
really want to forget the
unpleasant memories in my life.
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