Saturday, September 21, 2019

Seeking For Help

Assalamualaikum and good evening

It has been a while
Me, thinks of something
Had been done few of depression tests online

Similar results each time
Depression might be growing on me


I do have some thoughts
That actually shows the symptoms

Has been asking someone about this
If she knows someone
Will try to approach the counselor soon

Used to read somewhere
Depression can kill

With what happened recently
It may be a sign from God
To get back to Him

Hope to get good mental health

Monday, September 16, 2019

Got Next Scientist Emails At The Right Time

Assalamualaikum and good evening

Just got back from my part time job
Kind of my exercise routine
Like Kevin Zahri said, we should enjoy what we do while sweating
In these three days
Got emails from the next scientist editor
The content is just right slapping me the bitter truth
To be honest
I do
Considering to quit my study
Especially the one who really wants to see me wearing bonnet is no longer here
But I'm at the stage that quitting is an excuse, not an option

In that email, Julio said that it's better to have a coach 
To monitor the progress made
Preferably a counselor
But at least you have someone to talk to, it's should be okay

Reading those emails really opened up my eyes
That I must do the same
In order to finish my study
Hoping that the encouragement is strong enough
Hoping that the determination and motivation are high enough

God doesn't put you in a situation that you can't handle
Everything happened for a reason
It's up on us to see the light behind