Saturday, September 21, 2019

Seeking For Help

Assalamualaikum and good evening

It has been a while
Me, thinks of something
Had been done few of depression tests online

Similar results each time
Depression might be growing on me


I do have some thoughts
That actually shows the symptoms

Has been asking someone about this
If she knows someone
Will try to approach the counselor soon

Used to read somewhere
Depression can kill

With what happened recently
It may be a sign from God
To get back to Him

Hope to get good mental health

Monday, September 16, 2019

Got Next Scientist Emails At The Right Time

Assalamualaikum and good evening

Just got back from my part time job
Kind of my exercise routine
Like Kevin Zahri said, we should enjoy what we do while sweating
In these three days
Got emails from the next scientist editor
The content is just right slapping me the bitter truth
To be honest
I do
Considering to quit my study
Especially the one who really wants to see me wearing bonnet is no longer here
But I'm at the stage that quitting is an excuse, not an option

In that email, Julio said that it's better to have a coach 
To monitor the progress made
Preferably a counselor
But at least you have someone to talk to, it's should be okay

Reading those emails really opened up my eyes
That I must do the same
In order to finish my study
Hoping that the encouragement is strong enough
Hoping that the determination and motivation are high enough

God doesn't put you in a situation that you can't handle
Everything happened for a reason
It's up on us to see the light behind

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Pearl Drink Is Trending

Assalamualaikum and good morning

Just woke up in the middle of the night
 It has been since last week
Well, my body clock kind of change right now
And feeling hungry in the early morning

Boba or the black pearl in the drink
Somehow, I don't know why it's on trend right now
Like every shop is making this drink these days

Have been tried a few brands of Boba drink 

Xin Fu Tang
Black Whale
The Alley
Tea Amo
Secret Recipe
Family Mart

To be honest, most of the shops listed above have made this drink since like ages ago
Why go viral now?
And of course, the halal issue is the main concern
Islam is simple
You can ask directly about the ingredients
If there's no doubt, you can have that drink with ease
Otherwise, simply don't consume it

People are kind of mad when they are being judged for questioning that
But it's true
Yes, we know that you wanna keep out the syubhah in food
But then, don't judge people who are having this drink like they are drinking something non-halal
Typical mindset of some people in Malaysia

Yes, I'm not that religious 
But still manage to have the basic in me
They always considered themselves religious because of their appearance
Do you think those who wear kopiah, tudung labuh are that respectable?
Well, some of them are rude bastards
Thinking that they are good enough compared to others
Been dealing with that kind of people since ages
I got one in my rental house
Wearing all the sopan-look clothes
Tudung labuh, jubah etc
But she's just a bitch
Rude, ignorant, lazy bum
Well, not so religious la
Appearance can be deceiving, okay
Don't judge a book by its cover

Got to study now

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Missing Mr F

Assalamualaikum and good night
Almost midnight here, in Malaysia

I can't trace Mr F whereabout these days
To be honest, since last November
Yes, some bad things happened to him
News spread pretty quickly
But the root or source of them are still doubtful
And people tend to believe it


For the last 10 days of Ramadhan 
Mr F appears 
Breaking fast and pray at mosques
Till hari raya
And then go back into hiding in his cave
Somewhere I don't know
I wish I knew

p/s: I got a Hari Raya card from his brother

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thesis And Distraction

Assalamualaikum and good evening

Something pops up in my twitter
Saying that keep posting in english can help to improve english
Since english is not my native tongue
Then I remember that I'd done that quite some times
But I'm not that consistent
I write when I feel wanna write

That's why not much posting here

Still struggling with my study