Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2012

Decide to clear my day just because I want to spend times at book fair. Feel like a loser because I got there alone and by public transport. Sort of sad and pathetic thing since I've not been there like this. What to do, me love books. Not like other girls who crazy to do other things that benefit them for a short time. Yeah, like clothes. They won't fit you if you gained some weight. Being in this situation, me totally need a transport.

Some of my catches:


It would help me improving my knowledge

I want to have some books from Wiley & Sons but the price is quite not affordable for me to buy it. Perhaps next time I would buy it. Hope so. Browsing my book shelf, most of my books are from McGraw Hill publisher. Paperback book is much cheaper than the hard cover ones. Wish got much money to buy books.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Iron Man 3

Has been expecting this movie after watching the trailer. Full of suspense and me likes Tony Stark. He's kind of naughty, annoyed, loving and loyal man. 

Loves the Family Party Protocol.
You better go watch this movie at cinema.



Watched this movie on the first day it was released.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Movie Lover

Had been watching 4 movies in a row. Got more free time these days. Thanks to acetic anhydride. Don't know what would happened to my research now. Currently reading damn many journals to write one new journal. Kind of stress. 

Back to the title, kind of crazy because never watch that much movie within two weeks.
- G.I.Joe Retaliation -
- Sembunyi -
- Olympus Has Fallen -
- The Croods -

Sorry to say, Malay movie are totally not worthy to be watched at the cinema. I thought Sembunyi may be the last Malay movie for me. It's a crap, wasting my money for that suck movie.

Both G.I.Joe and Olympus Has Fallen are action movies but in different way. OHF got lots of suspense scene in which we can't tell what would happened next. Me loved animation movie. The Croods is damn cute movie. It's kind of hot story in Malaysia as our singer, Yuna is singing the OST, Shine your way. Quite proud with her achievement. Pray for her success.